Tuesday, July 17, 2012

And Then Someone Farts

Yes, the most deliciously poetic moments can be shattered by the soft escape of a gas bubble. It doesn't matter what end it comes from. It just happens and all hell breaks loose.
A sleepy eyed child will cuddle up, sighing, "I love you, Momma." and close their eyes and let out a fart that puts fog horns to shame before bursting into crazy laughter.
Or we are playing a game or having one of those heart felt, come-to-Jesus moments and I think, "Wow, life is so beautiful and meaningful and deep and I am so blessed and lucky." - And one of the children will belch with the strength of a Greek God and the moment is shattered in a smattering explosion of gas. And I think, "And, apparently, I am supposed to remember that we are also so very human." Thank goodness.

To lend a head's up to an oncoming gust, my youngest has taken to saying, "Step on the gas-" and emitting a fart of one kind or another before giggling so hard she turns red. My little darling, eight years old, her sweet innocent face, framed with blonde hair and her eyes like upside down crescent moons when she laughs, suddenly channels Puck and looks wickedly delighted.
And I think, "Good lord. Does the Queen of England have to deal with this?" I try to look discouraging and put on a head mistress expression in the face of it but how do you stay serious with those delicious laughing faces beaming at you wondering why you can't just loosen up and laugh with them.
Then my husband grins like a third grader and I wonder how it came to be that the merest expulsion of gas can bring on such hilarity- I doubt it brought such reaction 100 years ago.
Of course they say "Excuse me" and "Pardon me" often with gravity-- but it is still held in utmost humor despite my efforts to make them more "proper" in their behaviors.

A new favorite topic is how we will make it all the way across the US with the dogs farting in the car with us the whole way.
"Oh god! We'll suffocate!" They say before giggling at the thought.
"We'll have to have all the windows down and the dogs will have to hang their butts out the window. What if it's so hot in the midwest that one of the farts catches on fire and our van has flames coming out of it like a rocket." Of course it might just blow back into the car and cause all our nose hairs to fall out and singe our eyebrows while slowly poisoning us-- there are so many options in this scenario.
All the while, the dogs are contented, not bothered by such things. They lift their heads at the giggles or when they hear their names and wait for the next meal before letting out a small sighing fart and rolling on to their backs.

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