Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Power of Birthday Wishes

I have been wondering recently about the power of a birthday wish.
Here is this special day when someone entered into this plane on this planet and with all that behind it, the wishes seem particularly potent.
I've wished for so many things that seem to come about most often when they are birthday wishes- look at this past year when I wished for a small piece of land with an amazing house and WHAM! There it was, falling into place.
It makes me wonder how often we utilize our powers of manifestation and how often we don't. How often do we plant little seeds of "can't" and "won't" and "don't" along with "I wish" or "I will" or "I could"?
"I could start a business." but inside there is a little "Well, maybe- if you have time and if people decide they want what you make." or you might say "I will move this year." but with that comes a little bit of "Yeah, if you can find a job and an affordable place. Maybe."
But I don't know how much time we actually spend just dream something into fruition and reality. How often do we just sit with our dreams and trace the path to attainment?

At least for me, it isn't very often. I mostly find myself doing the "Well maybe but so many things can go wrong. We do live in a litigious society." or "No one is going to buy that." or, more commonly, "You can't- it just won't work for you."
There seems to be this piece in the back our minds that only comes forward long enough to shoot ourselves in the foot with "reality" and "logic" before retreating with an "I told you so" just as things start to fall apart.
But that birthday wish- the unadulterated wishing that children do on a star or an eye lash - the kind that asks for a horse or to be an astronaut or some crazy sought after toy. That is the kind of wish that can start the ball rolling, and, perhaps, if we let it, it will blossom into something more. Perhaps, we won't wake up to find a unicorn nuzzling our hair but perhaps something else will come-  something that adds up to that thing we are so wishing for.
We just won't know until we relearn the art of wishing and hoping with child-like abandon and enthusiasm.....

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