Sunday, January 6, 2013

I'm Sorry, I Don't DO New Year's Resolutions

I know, that title is definitely a little bitchy- it can easily be said with the attitude of a hormone driven teenager, incensed by their parents' suggestion.
But, I'm not a teenager (well, on the surface) and I don't do resolutions.
I remember the first time someone told me about them, I was so small, a little slip of a girl (which is a whimsical way of saying "shorter and younger than I am now but with the same attitude) and I thought, "Wow, how exciting!"
I made them every year when I was younger:
"This year I will take a walk every day."
"This year I will get up every morning early and make mom breakfast."
"This year I will learn to do a split."
"This year I will run a mile every day."
"This year I will lose 20 pounds."
"This year I will be a more compassionate mother who speaks quietly and in constantly calm tones."
"This year I will be unflappable."
"This year....."
You get the picture.

The thing is, year after year after year, I disappointed myself. All those lofty goals and expectations, left a wake of un-acquired goals and each year, I lost a little more faith in myself. Even as I saw people around me not quite meeting their marks, they did far better than I did and little by little I felt worse about myself.
So, when last year rolled around, I thought, "If the Mayans are right, I could be far more evolved by the end of this year and if Western Culture's shock-factor approach to the Mayan calendar is correct, there might be an apocalypse and I may not be here at all. Either way, I should probably get my butt in gear."
So I chose one thing but NOT as a resolution. I chose it as a daily practice and I put as little emphasis on it as possible.
And one day at a time, like every thing else in this life, I did this one thing. I missed some days but, with a determination I didn't realize I had, I kept at it.
I don't know why this year of all years I managed. I don't know why it was easier but maybe I can thank that auspicious year of 2012 for a little boost in the evolution department. And despite everything that changed and moved and revolved and resolved and all the ups and downs, I did in fact spend one year creating a daily practice. A little thing, something that someone might call "nothing" but that "nothing" changed everything just enough to reset my orbit.
So, now I am mulling over something new as one practice comes full circle.
I am leaning towards spending a year honoring my body. A strange idea and somehow selfish - though I know it's really not.

This body has grown four children- from scratch, stretching and growing to accomodate an entire human being (isn't that amazing?!) and it birthed them and nursed them -- for eleven consecutive years, I might add. And it is scarred and tattooed and sore and strong--- And it is growing older with as much grace as it can muster- and I spend no time honoring all the things it has done for me in all these years I've been blessed with, this go round on the planet.
So, perhaps it is time to honor it with a daily yoga and meditation practice.
Perhaps it is time to look in the mirror and see this skin I'm in and say, "Thank you" before moving into a sun salutation.

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