Saturday, February 2, 2013

Making Do With What You've Got

I'm sure you've heard that one before. But it takes on so many new meanings throughout life. With our change of location came a serious (and, admittedly, scary) change of finances. And that certainly forces creativity on a new level. Where, before, it was fun and funded (mostly), now it is a find and make art situation.
The project I recently faced was a revamp of the kitchen. We hadn't really organized it- 7 months ago when the moving truck showed up, I sort of unpacked and shoved things around. Then, when the hubby arrived, I waited for him to make it into what he needed- since he is the chef. But a few days ago, I got the itch- a serious itch. So I unloaded everything and started fresh- with the help of a new soul friend egging me on and hauling butt on those cupboards.

With drawers and cupboard re-organized, I looked at the drawer, once the holder of all things silverware, newly organized with my overstock tea (yes, I have an addiction- can you ever have enough tea?) and then to the counter- now full of homeless silverware.
I wanted to do something creative, something that was both practical and funky. So, I pulled some cans from my recent obsession with coconut milk banana shakes and washed them thoroughly and hammered down any sharp edges.
And then, you'll never guess-- then, I pulled out Mod Podge and fabric- I know-- GASP!! I bet you didn't see that one coming- Hehehehehehe. And I sat down and decoupaged them. I cut out a little fabric spoon, fork and knife and put those on the cans so that they were "labeled" and then I let them dry. And when they were, I loaded them and put them on the counter (which still has it's characteristic squeak because it still isn't properly attached- we'll get there) and just like that my kitchen had some funky matching action.

Next up? Well, a pot rack I designed- designed with desperation and some serious form meets function action- well, I hope- we haven't made it yet- but I see it in my head- that counts, doesn't it?
Did I mention we are also busy drawing property layouts for this little farmlette? Where will the garden go? Where will the barn? What about the berries and grapes? And the orchard?
 Oh there are things to be done!

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