Saturday, January 19, 2013

80's Hair

No, I'm not talking that charm of a slightly blue rinse- which, by the way, I think I will rock at some point when I am white-haired and wrinkled in the most charming way possible. No, I'm speaking of one of the quotes that came my way on the ride home.

It was snowing- nice and hard, making the world clean and new and quiet and we were chatting. Well, I was concentrating on driving safely (and very slowly) while the children visited about their day when the following conversation took place:

"Hey Mom, did you love the 80's?- You know, all that style."
Flashes of a young Madonna leapt to mind.
I laughed a bit, "Well, I was quite young so I wasn't really full throttle in the fashion, culture side of it- it was the 90's before I really noticed fashion."
"Oh," my oldest daughter said, "Huh, well Bobby's mom must have really loved it because her hair is really big just like in the 80's- like three feet tall big. She looks like she is still loving the 80's."
I laughed, I couldn't help it. And I had to wonder who Bobby's mom was. Some people can really rock that look while others (like me) look sadly outdated.

After our recent excursion into the world of coming of age movies such as Footloose (the original, mind you) my oldest daughter has been very interested in the fashion of days past. Yes, we wear leg warmers- it is 20 degrees outside on a warm day- of course we do! But, she also does it because it is very chic to her.

Her next request is to watch FAME, a movie that I don't know if I have ever seen all the way through so I will have to preview it. Again, we are talking the original here.

It is always startling to look through the ages of fashion and see the trends that we humans have adopted- super tan, pale- small hats, big brimmed hats- puffed sleeves, long sleeves, no sleeves- big breasts, small breasts, no breasts- slim hips, giant wire accentuated hips- long hair, short hair, no hair- tight clothing, loose clothing- high waists, low waists, no waists- flat shoes, high-heeled shoes- our whims as a society and our expression of what we perceive in that moment of our history to be "beauty", has changed over and over. And it continues to do so until we recycle versions of each thing we have worn throughout the ages in some way or another. What a fascinating species we are!
(Bobby's name has been changed not only because I don't remember it but because, on the off chance that anyone ever reads the posts I write, and thinks that maybe they have fantastic 80's hair, I want to keep it anonymous.)

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