Sunday, April 20, 2014

In Search of Magic Moments

It has been a long time since I posted anything here and anyone who followed the older posts knows that there was struggle here in this new place as we adjusted and readjusted. I am hesitant to take on something that I may struggle to maintain but the amount of inspiration I feel these days seeks to inspire others if only with words or a photo.

Perhaps, life without struggle is far less creative, I can only imagine it is. This has forced new growth and abundance that I could only have dreamed of. In the face of the challenges we have come across, I have bent and wavered, fallen and gotten up, hoped and cried and found that time after time I belong right where I am, though I am not always sure why this is. I sit in gratitude most days in awe that all that has happened.

There have been mounds of art made and a multitude of new undertakings. There are new farm animals and pets (we said goodbye to some of our furry family members last summer after two car accidents). There is now a barn with color and life and murals that has stopped traffic and brought  smiles. There is an enclosed porch to bask in as the weather finally begins to warm in this northern place and the greenhouse awaits the seeds we have set aside for the garden.

So much has changed. So much has stayed the same and so much gratitude is to be found in the moments of each and every day......

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